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Welcome to
Breathe in
Counselling Services

Person Centred Therapeutic Approach

The Team

Our Team.

At Breathe in Counselling Services, we believe in a humanistic approach to practice. Our services are reflective, flexible, and accessible, both online and in-person. We provide counselling services that are tailored to our clients' specific needs. Our services include couples counselling, family therapy, individual counselling and counselling for the neurodivergent and LGBTQi+ community and young people aged 14+.

Why does talking help?

We Can Help


Anxiety can be debilitating and can affect your daily life. Counselling can help you develop strategies to interrupt, build empathy towards and redirect spiralling thoughts. 


Depression is a common mental health condition that can affect anyone. Counselling provides a safe place to explore impacting emotions, process where they originated from and offer a solution based approach to help you cope, working towards minimising its impact on your life. 


Stress can become overwhelming at times. It can cause even the little things to feel like big obstacles. Counselling can help identify stress in its many facets. It can help build an understanding of where boundaries can be built and how to regulate when experiencing symptoms.

Grief and Loss

Grief and loss can be difficult to navigate, but you don't have to go through it alone. Counselling can offer the support and guidance you need during this challenging time.

Couples and Family Therapy

Relationships are an important aspect of our lives, but they can also be a source of stress and conflict. We provide counselling services to help you improve your relationships and communication.

Sense of self and Confidence

Low self-esteem and confidence can affect all areas of your life. Often schemas of the self built up in childhood lead behaviour and thoughts later in life. Our team can help you build up core beliefs which increase your sense of self and your felt safety with others, creating more adaptive ways of living life to the full.

Adolescents and Young People

In adolescence the brain is changing and peer influence is intense. Counselling can offer the support and guidance a young person need during this significant time of human development.



Counselling Services

Individual & Relationship
Counselling Sessions

Mentoring Session

Sometimes another perspective is all that is needed

Support Circles

Therapeutic Support Groups

Discovery Call

Want to taste and see what it's like?

A word from the founder

“Counselling is a collaboration between two people. It is not transactional, but deeply meaningful. I consider it absolute bravery when someone sits with another to share their burden. Like staring pain, regret and hurt in the face and refusing to allow it to be front and centre for another moment.”

— Candice Hewitt

Get in Touch

Thank You!

Contact Information



Partnership Locations

i-Fitness Exercise Physiology

169 Blackwall Road, Woy Woy.


Dahlia Pelvic Physio

2/128 Wyong Road, Killarney Vale.

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